Exploring critical aspects of information technologies integration in Singapore schools


  • Lim Cher Ping Nanyang Technological University
  • Khine Myint Swe Nanyang Technological University
  • Timothy Hew Nanyang Technological University
  • Philip Wong Nanyang Technological University
  • Divaharan Shanti Nanyang Technological University
  • Betsy Lim Ministry of Education




This paper reports the key findings of a questionnaire survey aimed at exploring the critical aspects of information technology (IT) integration in Singapore schools. The survey is the first part (Phase 1) of a larger study funded by the Ministry of Education (MOE), Singapore, to analyse where and how IT mediates pupils’ higher order thinking skills in schools. 328 schools (87.2% of the target population of 376 schools) responded to the questionnaire. Based on the findings, three recommendations are made concerning:

  1. IT-integration models for Singapore schools;

  2. Exploring new strategies for pupil IT competency development in

    selected government and government aided schools; and

  3. IT competency standards for teachers and pupils.


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How to Cite

Ping, L. C., Swe, K. M., Hew, T., Wong, P., Shanti, D., & Lim, B. (2003). Exploring critical aspects of information technologies integration in Singapore schools. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 19(1). https://doi.org/10.14742/ajet.1688